Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Conceptualizing Knowledge Emergence

Chapter 4th of the book, “Knowledge Management (KM) in processes in Organization : Theoretical Foundations and Practice” that written by Claire R. Mc Inerney.


A.    Gatekeepers, Information, Stars, and Boundary Spanners
Gatekeepers is a words that used in Military, to explain how do militaru can gain their knowledge although they are so closely.  In much firm and organization, information flow always being done. It propose to gain knowledge in every department and division. But it’s different with Military that always closed in information share. In Allen’s study in Military’s Resource and Development and Procurement, he explain that military always oversaw and guarded the gates of information flow through which external information reached the projects. And then Allen use it words and explain its in sociometric stars. In Allen’s study, he categorize the information flow in two category, first in the large organization and second in a projects. The categorize are distinguish in several things there are:
a.       Extensive communication with their field outside of the organization
b.      Greater perusal of information sources, journals, etc., information mavens
c.       A high degree of connectedness with other information stars, one can infer that their utility was not just having more information at their fingertips, but knowing to whom to turn within the organization for further information.
One of the more intriguing of Allen’s findings, given the context and the nature of security restrictions, made less use of external consultants. The teams with better gatekeepers needed external consultant less, and consequently, used them less.
Information flow structure was not at all closely related to the formal organizational structure, and that the information stars did not map onto any consistent pattern of organizational placement or level. The relationship between formal organizational structure and the information flow structure also seems to be part a function of the larger corporate culture, where the information flow structure constrained to adapt itself to the formal organizational structure.
Tushman , further extended Allento examined development activities, both in departmental level and at the project level. And as the result, he introduced and added the concept of “boundary spanning” to describe very much the same phenomenon that Allen described as gatekeeping. Boundary spanners should be recognized, utilized, and nurtured for facilitating project success.
B.     Research Productivity and Knowledge
Relationship between research productivity and the information environment was being done. As the results, it found several categorize of the more productive companies, that characterized by:
a.       Relative egalitarian structure with unobstrusive status indicators
b.      Less concern with protecting proprietary information
c.       Greater openness to outside information
d.      Greater information systems development effort
e.       Greater end-user use of information systems and more encouragement of browsing and serendipity
C.     Lack of Recognition of These Findings in the Business Community
The lack of recognition of even obtuseness to the importance information and information related managerial actions in the business community. Many study propose for find the effectiveness and conduciveness in their business process, but none of them captured and use it as a non information related management behaviors measured had any discriminatory value. Here, given the inability to find any significance for other managerial factors, the failure to remark upon the importance of information and knowledge factors can truly be described as remarable.
D.    Community Based Models
Community of Practice is which descends logically, stream of development has been cited frequently as an important knowledge sharing model. This model is based on the premise that organizational members with similar interests or practices meet to discuss issues of mutual concern and to help each other solve problems.
Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS), were originally conceived of as collaborative tools where groups came together, participated in brainstorming and then, through human facilitations, voted on items and issues important to the organization. These system work well in a face-to-face situation where immediate feedback can be given and display. And then the development of this system using web based DSS vary in quality from the mundane to sophisticated tools such as diagnosing illness and suggesting appropriate.
After all of the process, knowledge management continued to the repository system, that is a space to store and retrieve knowledge objects has long been a standard in KM programs. Consider the knowledge, knowledge in organizations as socially distributed collective activity systems, and emphasizes the significance of incoherence and dilemma as the key issues in social systems.

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