Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Iran Nuclear Crisis and the murder of Iran Nuclear Scientist in Knowledge Management Perspective

     Iran nuclear foundation had developed in March 5th,  1957 that purposed to made a peaceful supply energy for Iran. And then, in 1974, Shah Reza Pahlevi as Iran leader approved the proposed to developed Iran nuclear technology in Bushehr with American help. This considered had took, because the Shah, thought that oil is much too valuable to burn because, it is noble materials. So Iran, planned to filled their electrical supply by nuclear technology. And as a payment for the nuclear material and equipment, Iran had to shared their petroleum to the American and European country that help too. This project still developed until 1979, when Iran revolution done, when the shah chanced with iran new leader, he is Ayatollah, Iranian who hates American and want to free his country from incorporation with America, liked Iran purposed. And it  made many international nuclear cooperation cutted off, especially with American and several country in Europe. And the effect, several Nuclear reactors had been shutting down for several years. So, Iranian should meet a crisis energy era as the effect from it revolution.
     Untill in 1981, Iranian Governmental official conclude that developed nuclear technology should continue. And to fill the material and equipment for the nuclear reactors, Iran held a bilateral cooperation with China. And 1987 got aggrement with Argentina for the enrichment Uranium. But in 1980’s, a war between Iran and Irak was being held, that impact to this development, because when the war held, there are missils attacked one of Iran nuclear reactor. Fortunately, it wasn’t broke the reactor. In 1990’s, Rusia also formed joint Iran research organization to enriched Iran nuclear technology and supply. And five Russian institution like Russian Federal Space Agency also joint in Iran missils development.
     When American knew that Iran got a cooperation with Russian, American ask China and Argentina with his power, to stopped cooperation between them and Iran. But it didn’t get a respons from both of the country. And in 2003, Germany, France and UK, get an initiative step, to undertook diplomatic initiative to resolved question about Iran nuclear program. And as the result from it aggrement, Iran can get easier access to the modern technology to gain his nuclear program. And then Iran nuclear technology was successly built in several place. But in 2005, after Iran election, the new president of Iran stoped cooperation with three Europe country. And delay in this nuclear development held. But the problem continued, Iran can’t get supply for the equipment, and should made new aggrement to the other country. And Russian agree to fulfill the equipment. So in 2006, iran can enriched their nuclear anymore.
     And with the unrationable and unproofed fact. United Nation with several country, give Iran a sanction to stopped their cooperation with Iran, because there are rumors that Iran gained a Atomic Bomb Technology. But it won’t stopped Iran to gained their Nuclear technology and other armor and weapon technology as a weapon embargo until now.
     Now, iran become a new Super Power Islamic Republic, more then Turkey and the other Islamic country. Bilateral coordination that have been being held wit Russian and China, make American can’t stopped Iran, in this case Ahamadinejad’s authority. And Iran’s opposition country, such Israel was afraid with Iran power and Iran nuclear technology. And early 2012, when American want to interrupt in Suriah conflict, in Iran, China and Russian pressure, he can’t do anything. And it be one of reason, why Israel so angry and want to attack Iran. But in many considerable things, American suggest that Israel shouldn’t do that, although Israel still want to attack Iran.
     After this conflict, iran still powering their weapon such a missils and the other and gain their nuclear technology. Although, there are things that disturb and threated Iran nuclear scientist in develop the nuclear technology. In 2010, first murder of Iranian nuclear scientist, and than in November 29th, 2011 there are two scientist murder and the first month in 2012, one of Iranian nuclear scientist murder again, and the same fact in their murder is their murdered by a magnetic bomb. It refers to Iran conflict with American and Israel, that two country which conflicted with Iran deny to comment that attacks. Although, many scientist was murder, but Vice President Iran said that the progress of Iran gain nuchlear still continue.
     In knowledge management perspective, Iran as a Big Unity or Organization of the Iranian people have a good strategy in gain their competition value. In 1957, when everyone have a traumatic syndrome in Hiroshima and Nagasaki attaked. Iran see this power such an alternative technology to chain their technology in produce electric supply for his own people. And to reach their purpose, Iran want to gain a coordination with othet country that have more experience and more knowledge. But when, their want to stop the coordination, Iran won’t stop his nuclear program and find the other country that want to join his nuclear program. Until he can develop his nuclear technology independently. In develop knowledge, it’s like a usual event, that our competitor in this case American and Israel afraid that Iran as their competitor more powerful than them. So many way that takes to stop Iran gain. But, with a good and all of Iranian spirit, the nuclear project still gain and live until know and start threads other superpower country.

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